Friday, December 19, 2008

My second week of Radiation

I have just finished my second week of Radiation treatments. I think I'm doing pretty good. The first week was pretty bad! I had a really hard time laying on the metal table with my right arm down at my side. The chemo has left my joints in my arms very stiff and sore. I am in so much pain that I was moving a few centimeters while they were trying to get the x-rays prefect. My cancer is in my left breast plus it had attacked a bit of tissue. My Radiologist said we had to make sure there were no mistakes so my heart was not damaged during radiation.

After the fourth very long day on the table. I finally told them that my right arm was killing me and I believe that is the reason I was moving those few centimeters. We finally found a comfortable position for my arm and a clear shot of the tattoo on my right side. The tattoos were put on my body to make sure I am lined up correctly on the table.

Right now I'm feeling good! Plus no burn marks yet.

My hair is growing back everyday. I see a short, hip hair cut in my near future.


Anonymous said...

I am so excited about your new Hip haircut. Should not be long now.
We are so Thankful you are doing okay and we continue to Pray for God to continue to carry you! And Heal you!


Susannah said...

Thanks for the update Lori. Looking forward to seeing you sporting a short, totally hip haircut!

Have a blessed Christmas my friend.

(((Hugs))) e-Mom