Friday, December 12, 2008

Update on Faith and Hope

The girls are doing well. Faith is approaching 8 lbs and Hope is likely over 7 lbs now. We still struggle at times getting them to eat what we "think" they should eat. Hope still has something with her eyes that we have been referred to a retina specialist for. The blood vessels in her eyes have grown almost all the way out, but there is some sort of tissue or something that may be blocking completion. Apparently everything looks fine where vision takes place, but the ophthalmologist wants us to see the specialist. It may require nothing, but it also could require some sort of laser surgery. She also suffers from acid reflux, but the prevacid she is on seems to be helping. Other than that things seem to be going pretty well. Hope smiles once in a while at us and I think Faith might have a little (but not as often or as big).

I finally have Ethan's new room done and am starting on Mackenzie's and Caylee's new room (Ethan's old one). Then I'll undertake the twins new room (the older girls' old room). We had a good Thanksgiving and are gearing up for Christmas.

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support.

Prayer request(s):
1) Please pray for Hope's eyes

2) Continue to pray for the long term development, etc for Faith and Hope

3) Continue to pray for us as a family (adjusting still, getting rest, etc.)

4) Whatever else God lays on your hearts...

Merry Christmas!!!
Jason and family...

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