Friday, August 15, 2008

Second Taxol Treatment

I was up bright and early this morning so I could get my hour walk in before my Chemo Treatment today. (Thanks Maria for being willing to get up at 5:30 a.m. to walk with me) The time goes by a lot faster when you walk with someone.

A little information about my Chemo days

Now that I'm on Taxol, I only have to see my Oncologist every other week. Today, My sister-in-law Sandy (Thank you Sandy for taking me to my Chemo today) picked me up at 7:30 a.m. we had to be at the Cancer center at 8:00 a.m. so I could get my blood work taken before my chemo treatment.

After they figure out if my counts are good, they call me back and order my Chemo.

My blood counts

WBC Normal range is 4.0-10.0 My count was 3.1
RBC Normal range is 4.2-5.4 My count was 3.52
PNM Normal range is 1.7-7.6 My count was 1.8
Platelet Normal range is 140-450 My count was 199

These are the four counts that determine if I can get Chemo or not.

Fridays will be pretty much filled with just taking Chemo and recovering from the meds they have to give me so I won't have a reaction.

They first bring you back in a room filled with recliner chairs. These special chairs are for the chemo patient. I think there are 12 chair in this room. There are 6 other chairs behind curtains for first time Chemo patients. Plus, 4 rooms with beds in them for sicker patients and first time taxol patients or it could be for any chemo that might cause a reaction. The nurses stay with you a bit more in the rooms.

They then prep my chest port so I can get the Chemo.

There are still needles. They use a special type of needle to access a port. ((It’s called a Huber Needle, if you really want to know.)) You do get stabbed, except there is no need to hunt for a vein and rather than getting stuck in your arm, you get stuck in your chest. By the way, stabbing a port is called “accessing it.” Nice euphemism, but it just means stabbing.

Your chest has less nerve endings, so the stabbing isn’t close to as bad, (don't get me wrong, it still hurts) especially since they almost never ever miss. Plus you can put cream on it to numb it before you go get stabbed if you really are afraid of needles (I use a lot of this cream before I got to chemo. I have forgotten a few times and it really did hurt a lot worse). Also, there is no cumulative damage to your arm, hand, or other veins.

After getting my port set up they put in my meds. They stat with 20 cc of steroids and then they put in the nausea medication. I then get the Benadryl, this stuff makes me very loopy. As soon as they gave me the Benadryl, I'm really out for the day. I first laugh my silly little head off. (this is very embarrassing really) I then can't process or think clearly to carry on a normal conversation. I really can't understand why people like that drugged up feeling. Tonight, I just feel very sluggish.

I'll be honest, when I first found out I had cancer some terms that I have heard in the past were really pretty foreign to me.

The term my cancer is in remission

The term remission is used to describe the shrinking of cancer. It is used by doctors to categorize the extent of the shrinkage of the cancer.

Complete remission is used to categorize cancer that is no longer evidenced in tests, scans and x-rays.

Partial remission is used to categorize cancer that has shrunk but is still present.

Complete remission may mean a cure, however in some cases it may return. Partial remissions almost always return.

Another term I really didn't understand was "Cancer Free after Five Years).

After 5 years of many test and if they don't detect any cancer, my Oncologist said they would say I was cancer free.

The Healer

I heard this on a friends blog and it blessed my heart.

You hold my every moment

You calm my raging seas

You walk with me through fire

And heal all my disease

I trust in You

I trust in You


I believe You're my Healer

I believe You are all I need

I believe You're my Portion

I believe You're more than enough for me

Jesus You're all I need


Nothing is impossible for You

Nothing is impossible for You

Nothing is impossible for You

You hold my world in Your hands

The words to this song are so true. "Jesus, your all I need"


Godwyn Lim said...

Hey Lori,

You are a Great Blessing! My apologies for NOT replying your comments!

Thank you for the prayers, & I hope you enjoyed the song.

The song 'Healer', I listen to it most of the time as my health is like a Roller Coaster ride, Up & Down.

“And heal all my disease” I love the best part of the beautiful Praise to Jesus!

You are HEALED in the name of Jesus! Isaiah 53:5 says "By His scourging we are HEALDED" Amen!

Susannah said...

Thanks for defining some of the chemo terms for us. I wish I could hear the melody to the beautiful lyrics you've posted. (((Hugs))):~D

Anonymous said...

Just peeking in again to see how you are aand send lots of cyber Hugs, (((((((HUGS)))))))

Hope your feeling better and your days are filled with laughter and sunshine and those who m you love !!!


Lori said...


It is nice to see that you are back and blogging again. I did really like that song on your blog.

I'll be praying for you and I am really sorry to hear that you have been sick.



If you go to godwyn lim blog he had the melody on it.

I have a few questions for you. I remember reading on your blog that you had breast cancer. I would love to hear more about it.



Thank you for checking me on me. I'm doing o.k. but I sure needed those hugs this week.
