I have been asked a few questions concerning my wig. Some of them have me still laughing. I really don't mind answering people's questions concerning my cancer at all. If you don't ask, you won't know.
I thought if one person has this question, other's might.
Do I sleep with my wig on?
No, I sleep with a hat on. I'm still trying to deal with being bald.
Is my hair growing back yet?
No, not at this time. My Oncologist said my hair will start growing back about two months after my last Chemo.
Will my hair grow back in the same as it was?
I was told that normally your hair doesn't come back in the same. It normally grows back in nicer. I want it to grow back in and look like Jen Rossi's hair. I love her long cruly hair.
Do I walk around the house bald?
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. (When I think everyone is sleeping) It took me a while but I sat at the computer this morning bald. My 10 year old grandson (who I thought was sleeping) asked me why I was emailing people under Nana name. He then said, "Oh Nana, I thought you were Boaz."
Am I going to post a picture on my blog of my bald head?
NO WAY! There will be no pictures, no reminders.
Will I lose my eye brows and lashes?
I haven't so far! Let's pray I don't.
Little bald humor
You might think I'm whacked-out but here are a few funny comments from my son Bo and Ethan regarding me losing my hair from the Chemo. Hey, what can I say. I have to keep laughing. I refuse to let this destroy my life or my personality.
Boaz wanted to know about the Chemo so my husband and I told him that the oncologist told us the worse thing I'm really going to have to deal with is my hair loss. Boaz looked at me and said, "Dad is not going to want to sleep with you with a bald head. If he reaches over to rub your shoulder, he won't know if it is your bald head or your shoulder." I could not stop laughing at his comment. A little while later we turned the lights off to go to sleep. My husband reached out and started rubbing my shoulder. I said "How do you know if your rubbing my shoulder or my head". Hee, hee
Last night we went to my oldest Grandson's soccer game. It was a bit cold out last night so my husband brought blankets for me to cover up with. Ethan jumped up on my lap and got underneath the blankets. He kept staring at me with a funny little look on his face. I finally asked why he was looking at me so funny.
Remember he is only 5.
He said, "That looks real." I said, "What looks real." He said, "I know Nana that you have a bald head." he said, "Your hair, it looks real." I said, "Ethan, this is my real hair." He said, "Your not going to go bald? What if you do, if it is windy will your hair blow off." I assured him if my hair blows off, he needs to run and get it as fast as possible because it cost me $165.00. He asked me to tell him more funny story about my wig. We are going to be just fine. My family loves me for me not for my hair or how I look.
Calories for April 15th
9 years ago
You are pretty and I am sure you look good with or without hair you have such beautiful eyes and a precious smile. Your sweet personality glows and I know it is not fun to go through all of this, yet you so uplifting to everyone.
Plus it is okay to not be in the best of moods all the time.
I Love You
Love MaMa
Hi Lori - Here's a website you might find interesting...www.scottcares.com. It is a website created by Scott Hamilton, the figure skater. I just heard him on the Dave Ramsey show. I wonder if Scott is a believer? Anyway, thought it might have some good information and ideas for you as you continue your journey. God Bless!
Tammy J
Dear Lori,
I read all of your posts starting at the beginning. It was very touching and enlightening. It made me cry for you and you had me laughing too. I send your link to my Aunt in Texas that I told you about, to my sister Barb and to Becky too.
Your wig does look very nice and again... I will say you look wonderful! But, more important than that, you are such a beautiful person on the inside.
Well, just wanted to say hi and I think it is so great that you are journaling and corresponding online. Thanks for the update and I am praying for you, Jim and the kids.
Lynda R.
Lori, That day we saw you and Jim in the restaurant just a few months ago, I had no idea what you were facing. I was stunned when I started reading "updates" on Lori Householder. I wish I still lived just around the corner in Milan so I could come and hold your hand. You are an amazing example to all who want to serve Christ. And it didn't just start with this. You have been this way since I have watched you. Keep on fighting, girl, and know that you are not alone. I, and I know so many others are your warriors in prayer. Do you think they would let us all into a treatment session with you so we could all sing praises to our King? What would they think of that? Lori, Thank you for being you and for writing all there is here to read. Stay strong. I will be praying and thanking God for you and your family.
Lorraine Koepfle
I love you! Thanks for all of your support.
I've been seaching through this web-site and I love it. Very helpful information.
I miss you guys,
Thank you for all of your love through all of this. I pray this site helps your Aunt. You can also give her my phone number. I would be home than happy to talk to her.
Tell Becky I said "HI".
Lorraine Koepfle,
It was so nice seeing you folks a few weeks back. If you can believe this, at times I can almost forget I'm going through all of this.
Thank you for your prayers.
How are you folks doing?
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