Wednesday, October 29, 2008

What is Next?

Many people have asked what is next for me.

I still have 38 Radiation treatments to go plus I will be on Hormonal Therapy for five years after my radiation treatments.

I'm not sure when I will start the radiation treatments. My Oncologist would like me to start in three weeks. I really would like to wait until after the holiday's. I would like to start my treatments the first week in January. I really have to talk to my Doctor and see if that will be ok.

I'll update this blog after I meet with my Radiologist.

My head reminds me of a chia pet. Everyday it seems to grow just a little bit.

First every pictures! I'll try and post one picture a week so you can all see the growth. Your hair really does grow back after Chemo.
> One week later from front of head. 10-29-08 From the back of my head. 10-29-08

Thank you again for praying for me. Right now, all is well.

1 comment:

jel said...