Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I can see the Bright Side!

I feel pretty good today. This is the day I work all three of my jobs. I just got home from my Janitor's job. I'm going to be doing my hour walk here in a minute, I'll then be helding off at 8:30 a.m. to my house cleaning job. I'll do my motor routes after that. The second week after Chemo so far seems a lot better then the first week. It is so much better to work then to sit around and focus on your problems.

I did see the bright side of me losing my hair this morning. My mom told me about our Dentist's friend. She just found out she had breast cancer.

BTW-That is a big reason why I am writing down everything I'm going through. I want to be able to help other's going through the same thing.

Back to the bright side. I was thinking about this dear lady and praying for her this morning and it dawned on me. I should be praising the Lord that it was my hair that I lost and not my teeth. My hair will grow back!

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